It's A Passion

October 10, 2018  •  1 Comment

So I haven't blogged in a while and I think this is the perfect opportunity to post. So I often get asked at sessions why or how I got into photography and honestly it was kind of a crazy on the whim decision. I have always had a passion for photography and fell in love with film in high school, but had never really worked with a professional digital camera until two years ago. Originally I just wanted to take great pictures of my kids as many photographers do and it kind of turned into more of business opportunity as time went along. I have always wanted to operate my own business and figured this would be the perfect opportunity to do so. 

There was certainly a learning curve and I have learned soooo much in the last two years it is unreal. Taking a step to run a business is downright scary! There is so much more to this business than just the click of a camera I had to register for a TIN, I have to file/pay Taxes local and Federal, learn how to run a website, be my own accountant, marketer and insurance broker. Some days I am like what the hay have I gotten myself into. This business is downright tough. It is very saturated and extremely EXPENSIVE! When I decided to start, I knew it wouldn't be easy, but I definitely never imagined the obstacles to get to where I am now. I went into it with very realistic expectations however and created a 5 year plan. I am at year 2 and quite frankly I am proud of how far my business has come. There are certainly days when I have self doubt (especially during a dry spell), but then I remind myself exactly why I started. 

I started because I had a passion for photography. This is not just a job for me. This is more than a job. It's an opportunity to meet new people, get creative and show the world that I can and will succeed. Despite everyone else in this market the only person I am in competition with is myself. Also, I would love to take an opportunity and shout out to all of the local photographers who have included me and opened their doors. You guys are the true definition of community over competition and it is absolutely amazing! I couldn't have jumped into a better community of people. 

This journey isn't always easy between balancing a full time job, my family, friends and photography. I however wouldn't have it any other way. I am truly inspired everyday and I can't wait to see where this journey continues to take me. 

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Alyssa Conley(non-registered)
Love this Becky! You are an inspiration :) Your pics are amazing, so glad you are doing this!
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