Faith In Humanity

July 27, 2020  •  Leave a Comment

Saturday I was fortunate enough to be able to capture a good friends wedding. It was HOT is an understatement, but the wedding went absolutely perfect! The rain ended just before the ceremony and a nice breeze picked up to make the heat a bit more bearable. 

At almost every wedding I have photographed there is always someone jumping in with their camera and snapping away. As a photographer this can be incredibly frustrating not only for myself, but also the Bride and Groom as they have paid for a service to capture their moments throughout the day. We live in a time where cameras are easily accessible and the value of photography is taking a spiral downward. 

May I take the pictures? Yes, absolutely just be respectful and don't jump in front or request the group/couple to move their attention. 

Will you take a picture for us? Of course it's my favorite thing to do! Just ask :)

This day was different though. Everyone was very respectful and the one individual that had their camera was being very courteous. 

As my husband and I were packing up to leave for the night, the gentleman and his wife came over and asked us to wait. Not long after he presented his SD card and said that there were several shots of myself and my husband working the wedding and he would like us to have them. I was floored to say the least. I have never experienced such a gesture in my line of work. 

 This year has been incredibly difficult and this one simple gesture has really restored my faith in humanity. I will be forever grateful for these images. It's not everyday you meet someone so selfless. My Dear Friend Amy you have amazing friends in your life!

Side Note: the Orange all over my shirt is from a Tiger Lilly LOL It can be a dirty job! Usually i'm covered in grass, this time Tiger Lilly hahahaha

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